How To Find Places Near You to Eat Most people will eat a majority of their meals at home with food that is prepared and cooked from home as opposed to eating out. There are times, however, where couples, groups of friends, and individuals will make the decision to eat out as opposed to eating from home. While most people would prefer to cook their own food, there is a reason why the restaurant business and food service industry is so strong and it is because consumers fuel it by constantly eating out. While most people will easily turn to google or other search engines and will type in, where to eat near me, for others, it is not that simple. Sometimes it is tough deciding what kind of food you want when picking where to eat near me. You will have to decide between a chicken kitchen, south beach catering, Latin restaurants and restaurants that are involved in food delivery. Here is how you can find “where to eat near me”. Picking the right restaurant out of your options in terms of, where to eat near me, is sometimes easy and sometimes difficult. If you are picking for yourself, then you can easily find a place that is your favorite or a place that you have frequented often that you know has the right type of food for you. If you are picking for other people, however, it is not that easy as you may have to pick based on their food preferences in the case of them being a vegetarian or a vegan. In the year 2015, as a country, the United States managed to consume about 90.1 pounds of chicken per capita. If you are looking at your options of where to eat near me, then you are more than likely to find a restaurant that serves chicken. According to information released by the National Chicken Council, the United States was projected to consume about 91.8 pounds of chicken per capita and did so. So if you search, “where to eat near me” in google, you are more than likely to find a restaurant containing chicken in some form. Americans consume more chicken than any other country or groups of people in the world and chicken is also the number one protein consumed in the United States. In the year of 2015, almost 9 billion broiler chickens, which weighs out at 53 billion pounds, live-weight, were produced. More than 40 billion pounds of chicken product was marketed. ABout 25,000 family farmers have production contracts with the companies. About 95% of all broiler chickens are produced on these family farms and the remaining 5% of all chickens are raised on company-owned farms. Leading up the festivities of the Fourth of July, Americans as a whole will purchase 700 million pounds of chicken. Food and drink sales of the restaurant industry in the United States were forecasted to exceed 683 billion U.S. dollars in 2014. In conclusion, if you are looking for where to eat near me, you are going to have a number of options to choose from. There were 39,325 eating and drinking locations in the state of Florida alone in the year of 2014. In 2016, the state of Florida contained about 995,600 restaurant and food service jobs which represent about 14% of the employment within the state. By the year 2026, that number is projected to grow by 17.4% which equates to 173,000 new jobs. If you want to find “where to eat near me”, you are going to do so with ease and with great pleasure. Post navigation What Makes A Motorized Skateboard Better Than A Standard Skateboard?Are Getting Your Plans Ready for a Large Outdoor Event? Leave a Reply Cancel replyYour email address will not be published. Required fields are marked *Comment * Name * Email * Website Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment.