The Importance of a Black Entertainment Gossip Site



Did you know that each individual gossip site online helps to make up an industry that has a revenue of more than $3 billion annually? Celebrity gossip is one of the most popular topics online, in print, and on video. The average person enjoys slipping out of their personal reality to examine the lives of those who have become part of society?s collective lives. However, all too frequently the content on a gossip site is not as culturally diverse as it could be.

Black Gossip Sites

One of the premier leaders in black entertainment gossip is Black Entertainment Television (BET). It has a large audience and is watched by more than 90 million homes around the world. In 2010 it was considered the most prominent network which targeted young African Americans. In fact, it became the leading provider for black entertainment gossip and programming on the air.

It also provides a premier entertainment and gossip site that is visited by millions of people each day. While this is a great example of how black gossip sites can be popular and effective, there are too few options available. Additionally, the major sites tend to focus exclusively on musicians and actors.

Black Celebrity News

It is important that a gossip site not focus strictly on the unsubstantiated rumors. Positive news stories are also needed in the industry that promote the many beneficial endeavors of black celebrities. Prominent African American politicians, scientists, entrepreneurs, and academics all enjoy celebrity status within their fields of expertise. Current celebrity news should be broadened to highlight celebrities in fields other than entertainment. While news and gossip sites devoted to the household names of the entertainment industry are certainly a good way to draw people in, it is necessary to then broaden visitor?s realm of experience and give them new types of careers and industries to be interested in.

According to data from the Census Bureau, there are more than 45 million African Americans living in the United States. This is approximately 15 percent of the country?s total population. Yet the amount of time devoted to African American celebrity news and gossip is proportionally under-represented. It is time for the African-American community to have a well-funded and culturally inclusive news and gossip site that focuses intensively on African American celebrities and experts in a broad range of fields.

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