8 Benefits of Puzzle for Children Development


Did you know that puzzles are very beneficial for early childhood development? Well, puzzles help in children’s mental development. They exercise the mind and enhance our way of thinking. Most of the people play puzzles for leisure. However, solving crosswords and jigsaws is beneficial to brain development. Moderately difficult puzzles and difficult puzzles can be challenging. It pushes the children to put pieces together to achieve a common goal. When Manipulating or acting on world around them, it influences their mental development. Puzzles provide an excellent way for a child to learn how to change the appearance of the environment directly. Here are the main benefits of puzzles for your child.

1. Eye Coordination

Children learn and enhance the connection between the eyes and hands when they turn or remove puzzle pieces. They first see the puzzle, and the brain envisions how the final puzzle should look like. By coordinating the brain, hand, and eye, the child will find and manipulate pieces so that it can fit into the puzzle precisely. This means that your child will develop a vital relationship between what they see, how the brain reacts to the information, and what to do with their hands.

2. Solving problems

As children grow, it is important they learn how to face and solve problems. A child develops this vital skill by looking at various pieces and decides what fits where. There are no short cuts or cheating. Therefore, puzzles help children to learn how to solve problems logically. Reasoning and problem-solving skills can be used in the adult or personal life. Children will try over and over again until they get it right. Trying a new piece or erasing a word teaches them how to try different approaches to solve a problem.

3. Fine Motor Skills

Puzzles are a great way to developing fine motor skills. Ideally, fine motor skills require small but specialized movements. From crossword puzzles to jigsaws, children can develop fine motor skills by putting pieces together. They manipulate pieces until they fit exactly into a shape. The process involves sorting and testing shapes until they fit perfectly. The small muscle movement promotes fine motor skills such as handwriting.

4. Memory

Puzzles such as jigsaw enhance memory. As your child try to solve the puzzles, they will need to remember shape, color, and size. At some point they will sideline a certain piece but recall it when needed.

5. Gross motor skills

By doing moderately difficult puzzles, your child will enhance the general motor skills. Stacking puzzles and other puzzles that require larger pieces enhance movement of your kid.

6. Self-esteem

Solving a puzzle does not only bring joy to a child but also satisfaction. The pride and feeling of achievement boosts self-esteem and confidence. Self-esteem helps them to face life challenges courageously.

7. Cognitive skills

Cognitive development involves comprehension, knowledge application, and organizing ideas using evaluation and choice. As children solve moderately difficult puzzles, they learn and understand thoughtfully how to put pieces together to complete a bigger picture. The children learn how to achieve life goals using step by step approach. Puzzles come in shapes, numbers, letters, and other whole lots of themes and topics. By interacting with the pieces, children develop a deeper understanding of these themes. Puzzles become the main means of understanding alphabets and other themes. Therefore, they use animals, letters, or vehicles to understand how to fit things around their world. Puzzles also significantly help kids with shape recognition.

8. Promotes Socializing

As children work together to solve moderately difficult puzzles, they discuss the best approach. Sharing ideas, taking turns, and offering support when solving challenges promote cooperation. Sharing the joy of finishing the puzzles goes a long away in promoting social behavior.


Moderately difficult puzzles challenge the minds of the children and prepares them for life. Playing sports board games also challenges children to set goals and come up with strategies on how to solve challenges. The children also learn patience to work through problems slowly until they get to the end. This is common especially when playing tough puzzles. In essence, family games have numerous benefits for your kid’s development. It’s the high time to encourage your kids to stop playing video games and start solving easy puzzles.

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